Eslint: strings names resolution

Mohamed Lamine Allal
3 min readNov 25, 2023


What is the convention for strings names and how does eslint resolve them? Let’s cover all of that.

Resolution introduction

some parts of the eslint config like plugins , extends

▪️ depends on packages

▪️ you can specify the full package

  • ex: eslint-plugin-prettier

▪️ or just the small name

  • ex prettier
  • in this case, a resolution happen
    depending on what part of the config, a prefix will be added
    - ex: eslint-plugin- , eslint-config-


▪️ plugins => whatever string prefix with eslint-plugin-

  • ex:
plugins: ["dragon/crazy"]

===> eslint-plugin-dragon/crazy

Which will resolve through nodejs module resolution to

▪️ node_modules/eslint-plugin-dragon/crazy.js

  • the eslint-plugin-dragon npm package should expose crazy.js at root
    ◌ or through npm module resolution in package.json


▪️ similarly

  • prefix with eslint-config- instead
extends: ["dragon/crazy"]

===> eslint-config-dragon/crazy

Which will resolve through nodejs module resolution to

▪️ node_modules/eslint-config-dragon/crazy.js

  • the eslint-config-dragon npm package should expose crazy.js at root
    ◌ or through npm module resolution in package.json

✨ what if package doesn’t exist ?

  • fail with a not found error

Real example

Extends string resolution of eslint-config-prettier

extends: ['prettier']

Whatever is typed in extends

=> That would be prefixed with eslint-config-

prettier = giving => eslint-config-prettier

Which is this package

"prettier/prettier" = give => "eslint-config-prettier/prettier"

  • which would resolve to node_modules/eslint-config-prettier/prettier.js

▪️ That’s why eslint-config-* repos if want to provide extra configs

  • They generate files with names
  • And they would be accessible
  • or they would use npm files resolution

▪️ at the end the resolution algorithm

  • after adding "eslint-config-"
    ◌ gonna be nodejs module resolution algorithm
    - commonjs
    - or esm
    - path.resolve() does use it

The whole naming convention

  • There is more than one form
    ◌ check below


  • eslint-plugin
  • eslint-config


  • {prefix}-{name}
    ◌ name {name}
  • @{scope}/{prefix}
    ◌ name @{scope}
  • Otherwise if @{scope}/{prefix}-{some_name}
    ◌ name @{scope}/{some_name}

Example with eslint-plugin prefix

  • eslint-plugin-{name}
    ◌ name {name}
  • @{scope}/eslint-plugin
    ◌ name @{scope}
  • Otherwise if @{scope}/eslint-plugin-{some_name}
    ◌ name @{scope}/{some_name}

Full Examples

  • eslint-plugin-prettier
    ◌ name prettier
  • @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin
    ◌ name @typescript-eslint

Details of normalization

▪️ For the details check my write-up on the exploration of FlatCompat eslintrc translation tool

My Other Eslint related articles ✨

▪️ Flat config system

▪️ Eslint prettier

▪️ String, name resolution (plugin, config)



Mohamed Lamine Allal
Mohamed Lamine Allal

Written by Mohamed Lamine Allal

Developper, Entrepreneur, CTO, Writer! A magic chaser! And A passionate thinker! Obsessed with Performance! And magic for life! And deep thinking!

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